Quick Start
Welcome to SSHOT
SSHOT is a ✨ Web Screenshot API ✨ with caching kept in mind!
Just pass in the parameters for the screenshot, copy the link and you are good to go! 🚀
A screenshot is fetched using puppeteer and ✨ cached for 24 hours ✨. The expiry time will keep getting pushed forward if the file is being accessed frequently.
Quick start
You can call it from anywhere whether its a normal HTTP GET call from browser or a curl request from terminal
curl "https://sshot.x-axis.me/api?link=https://github.com" --output filename.png
wget "https://sshot.x-axis.me/api?link=https://github.com" -O filename.png
If the request is not cached or expired, a new screenshot will be taken and a cache will stored as a record in redis database.
Cache will expire after 24 hours of inactivity 🗑️.
API Parameters
Endpoint: https://sshot.x-axis.me/api?
Example: https://sshot.x-axis.me/api?link=https://google.com&device=tablet
Error Messages
You may get a 400
Error Header and a Error 400
status message when you provide any parameter wrongly.